
Ethereum to Canadian Dollar (ETH to CAD)

Latest Ethreum to Canadian Dollar (ETH to CAD) Price, Conversion and Live Chart. All the information needed in an easily digestible format.

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ETH – CAD Price History

ETH – CAD Price History

Ethereum was conceived in 2013 by the programmer Vitalik Buterin. It was crowdfunded in 2014, and development work began. In July 2015, the network went live.

This open-source, decentralized blockchain is second to Bitcoin when it comes to market capitalization.  The name Ethereum was chosen by Buterin through browsing a list of elements from science fiction on Wikipedia. This platform allows anyone to position immutable and lasting applications onto it, with which users can interact. In addition, Ethereum also allows the exchange and creation of NFTs, which are tokens that are non-interchangeable to real-world items such as digital works of art, and sold as unique digital property.

Even though the project was brought to life in 2015, the development of Ethereum would turn out to be a process that is lengthy and spans years. The first iteration of the Ethereum blockchain was called Frontier, and it got the chain up and running. Ever since the initial launch, the blockchain went through a few protocol upgrades that were planned and which were crucial changes that had an effect on the underlying incentive structures and functionality of the platform.

On October 14th, 2016, the first ETH to CAD price was calculated, and it was 15.70. The price of ETH has continually grown since then. The record for the all-time high for ETH was set on November 12th, 2021. On that date, ETH was 5,829.13 CAD.